Monday, October 13, 2008


I'm sooo mad! Twice in the last two weeks some idiot has egged my car! What did I do to deserve this? I park on the street because Ryan and I only have one side of the driveway and this way we don't have to swich around cars. Unless someone doesn't like my parking on the street, I can't think of anything that would provoke this. Its not like my car is blocking anything, the street is really wide and my car is NOT in anyone's way! The first time it happened I figured it was just some bored teenager, but why would they do it twice? Can you report something like this to the police? And what would they do about it if I did report it? This morning I had to scrape snow and egg off my car. GRRRRR! Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Juli said...

Has your car gotten egged again? You could set up some kind of trap to try to catch them. How was the wedding? Did you take any pictures?