Friday, February 8, 2008

Since we hardly ever take pictures, I'll just have to tell you whats going on and you'll see why we never take pictures. Our life has been pretty uneventful latley, which is good because when it is eventful its usually not something good- like cars breaking and waterbeds popping and getting stuck.
We're still enjoying being married, and still love each other very much (I don't know why, but some people ask me that, its not like we're a hollywood couple:).
Ryan has been busy this semester. He is taking Chemistry, Anatomy and Technical Writing (Med School doesn't accept AP classes from High School! GR) He loves his anatomy class, he tells me all about it almost every day. We have a lot more muscles and bones than I thought we did. Ryan still works at Shop Ko's pharmacy dealing drugs. He hates those that come in all the time because they are addicted to their narcotics. He also hates cupons. He likes it in general everyday, especially becuase he gets to wear one of his sweet ties to work. (He looks very sexy in them)
I'm in my senior year at Weber State University! I'm all set to graduate in August! Right now I'm doing an internship at the Division of Child and Family Services, which is interesting. I'm hoping they'll want to hire me when I graduate. I still work part time at Grandpa's office. I can only come in two days a week, mostly there has been a lot to do, but not today, which is why I'm writing this.
Hopefully sometime in the future I'll take pictures of something. I guess I could take pictures of Ryan studying, thats about all we do when we're at home.

1 comment:

Juli said...

I'm glad you updated your blog! It is fun to hear how you are doing. Just take some random pictures of you and Ryan and post them.